Tea Time with Annie Kate Rotating Header Image

Canada Day


Yesterday we celebrated Canada Day. 


Some of the children wore red and white clothes and made a red and white construction paper chain to decorate the dining room.  We ate all the red currants we could find on our newly transplanted bushes.


Our village celebration featured miniature pony rides for the little ones.  Although the ponies are less than a yard high, they can pull buggies holding an adult and a child! 


After that, we went swimming, and then ate a special meal: roast, asparagus, pickled summer squashes, green beans, rice, and a huge chocolate cake decorated with our flag.  Of course, we sang O Canada, and gave thanks for our country and prayed for its future, something we do not do often enough.


Right after supper, the little ones went to bed, only to be woken again just before sundown.  We all dressed in long pants to minimize the mosquito problem, and headed out, passing the village celebration on our way to a nearby town.  With picnic blankets and lawn chairs, juice boxes and ginger ale, and two tubs of special ice cream picked up on the way, we settled down to wait for the fireworks.  The music throbbed, children dressed in red t-shirts ran everywhere, adults dressed in red t-shirts kept watch over strollers, and other adults dispensed mosquito spray. As the light faded, some parents lit sparklers for their offspring and the dancing stars dotted the crowds.


Finally, the fireworks began, a very dramatic display for a small town with a small budget.  Color-coordinating spheres followed each other in wonderful choreography.  Then there was a lull, followed by an even more spectacular burst of sound, color and excitement.  Then there was another lull, and eventually the expectant crowd began to pack up and disperse, for the fireworks were finished for the year.   Magnificent, but short.


Driving home, we noticed beautiful fireworks on the horizon.  We, and others, stopped our vehicles on the country road and watched the lovely display from a different town, less dramatic, but longer.  Then the children, looking out of the back of the van, noticed that yet another town’s fireworks sparkled behind us.  When we were almost home, we passed our village celebration again.  All the little ones had been put to bed and only adults were left to celebrate, red and white t-shirts glowing in the lights. 


That was it for another Canada day.


“God keep our land glorious and free…”


Happy Birthday, Canada!


 Entered in Canada Girl’s Friday Show and Tell


  1. jenn4him says:

    We are looking forward to our celebration this Saturday with a parade and fireworks. I love your menu. Maybe I need to make a choc. cake, too!

    I am going away on vacation this next week, but will check back when I am home again.


  2. 2boysmom says:

    Hi Annie Kate,

    I have changed my settings once again so you shouldn't have any trouble commenting. I had to change the settings because "anonymous" kept leaving really offensive comments on my post about "tolerance". Almost comical because she was anything but "tolerant"!

    Anyway, I was searching this morning for my post on the record keeping system I created. I haven't found it yet but I probably put inside another kind of post with a different title.

    It might be faster for me to explain it to you. I can't remember what I've already told you, so leave me a comment and let me know if I should explain it in full. I don't want to bore you with the details if I've already done that!

    Have a great and awesome weekend! Happy Canada Day!

  3. proverbsmama says:

    The celebration for our country is this weekend. I will be working all weekend. I planned it that way though so that I can be off next weekend when dd turns 13.


    Sounds like you had a fun time.

  4. blestmom says:

    Happy Canada Day! Sounds like you had a great time! Thanks for adding me to your friends list!


  5. Kim from Canada says:

    That sounds like what we did, too. Only without the car ride – the fireworks in our little town is done over the river. We can park our lawn chairs in front of the house and watch in our jammies! I hope you have a great weekend!

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