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Freezing Peppers

We grew half a triple row of peppers in our garden, and when the harvest sales were on we bought two bushels more at an incredible price.  So what do you do with almost three bushels of peppers?

Why, you freeze them, of course, and it is so easy!

We just washed the peppers, split and cored them, and then chopped them.  Peppers do not require blanching, so there was nothing else to do but bag them.


Since we usually use about 1 cup of peppers in recipes, we put the chopped peppers in 1 cup snack baggies.  Of course, those do not have freezer-quality plastic, so we put 4 snack baggies into a medium sized freezer bag.  This way we can easily take out the amount of peppers we need without wasting a lot of freezer-grade plastic for our small packages.


Since our salsa recipe calls for 8 cups of peppers, we also froze several batches of that size.

For more neat posts, see Homemaker MondayWorks for Me Wednesday,  the Ultimate Recipe Swap, Frugal Friday and Lori’s Farm Girls at Heart .


  1. Jenn4him says:

    Oh, how I love peppers!!! Every time I have tried to grow them it has not been hot enough. This would have been a good year, but I did not have money for a real garden. Freezing them is a time saver too. Now they are already chopped and ready to use.

  2. Katia says:

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. Nice to meet you.
    I agree with you, peppers don’t need blanching. Love red peppers, can’t never get enough of them. did you know peppers are great for helping with PMS?
    blessings to you,

  3. Donna W says:

    Great idea about the snack bags! I had never thought of doing that, and they surely are cheaper. I also prepare some peppers by simply halving them for use as stuffed peppers. I had a bountiful crop this year, and they are still producing, in Missouri! In late October!!

    1. Annie Kate says:

      I never knew you could use them for stuffed peppers after freezing them! That’s great to know.

      Annie Kate

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