This is outside. Mr. 19 vacuumed up hundreds of ladybugs inside the house, too. It seemed as though they were just appearing out of thin air!

We found these in a hidden corner. Ladybugs love corners. (And please ignore the dust bunnies; lately I’ve been neglecting hidden corners.)
They are beautiful, but when (not if) they get squashed in a door, they leave bright orange stains and a terrible smell. They also fly about and get tangled in our long hair. So, despite their beauty, we try to get rid of them–alive if possible, dead if necessary.
Are these pretty little creatures a pest in your area too? How do you keep them under control?
This post is linked to Works for Me Wednesdays and Raising Homemakers.
We had them real bad one year when we lived in Illinois, and we did the same thing you are, we vacuumed them up. We haven’t had them bad here in Idaho, thankfully. 🙂