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High School

Harvesting and Homeschooling

Today I plan to freeze tomatoes, pick raspberries, and dry lemon balm—in the car of all places(!), something I learned from Traditional Cooking’s Dehydrating course.  We also need to clean up windfall apples in our little apple orchard and, on top of that, there is schoolwork to do. This is a problem, because it is […]

Review: Homeschool High School by Design

  We have been homeschooling high school at home for over a decade.  At the beginning I worried that I might destroy my teens’ chances for their future dreams, but now we have learned that homeschooling is an ideal way to investigate and work toward dreams even if life’s difficulties get in the way. There […]

Review: How to be a High School Superstar…Without Burning Out

High school students can have a life.  Even if they want to get into top colleges or universities.  In fact, based on his research of high school students admitted to top US universities, Cal Newport suggests that having a relaxed, interesting life (along with excellent marks) makes one more likely to get into a top […]

Documenting Interest-Driven Learning as a High School Course

Although we use standard textbooks in many courses, there are times when our teens follow their own rabbit trails and just learn things they want to learn.  This interest-driven exploration is one of the most effective ways to learn, but it leaves me scrambling at high school record keeping time. It is easy to document […]

Review: Fundamentals I from Traditional Cooking School by GNOWFGLINS

For the last few years, my kitchen has been rather boring—there has been good healthy food, especially when the garden is producing, but very little excitement.  That is changing now that I’m studying Fundamentals I:  The Basics of Traditional Cooking. The course ebook is appropriately subtitled Make your kitchen healthy one task at a time, […]