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Homeschool Highlights

Field Trip: Fort Henry

We are not travelling across the country to visit relatives this year, but we do want to fill our summer with fun and good memories.  So recently we packed up the troops and headed out to explore Fort Henry, a monument to Canada’s past relations with the US. Fort Henry in Kingston was built as […]

Review: AP English

At a certain point and with certain teens, we need to bring outside expertise into our homeschools.  Miss 17, for whom reading and writing are almost as important as breathing and eating, needed a higher level of English than I could teach, so last fall we enrolled in Alexandra McGee’s online AP English Language and […]

Homeschool Year: Finished!

We thought it would never, ever happen, but it finally has. As of today Miss 12’s and Miss 15’s school year is finished! And what next? Pool time. Hanging out. Friends. Staycation. Ice cream. Good books. Music. Nature. Basket balls and badminton. Good food. Camp fires in the back yard. Laughter. Movies. Adventures. But not […]

Homeschool ‘Mommy Marks’ and Universities #2

Two years ago we got the surprise of our lives when my son received a top marks-based scholarship from a university that says it accepts neither ‘mommy marks’ nor SAT scores. Two weeks ago, the same thing happened to my daughter!  Needless to say, we are thrilled and exceedingly grateful.  God has blessed her studies […]

Enjoy Your Homeschool Conference

Tomorrow is our annual homeschooling conference and for the first time in years I will not be able to attend.  Sometimes life seriously gets in the way, and it’s best if we learn to accept that cheerfully and not complain about what God has put in our path. But–and this is a big ‘but’–if you can make […]