Due to various challenges, Debbie Stier’s son Ethan did not have excellent marks. When Debbie, a single mom, realized she could not afford college tuition, she decided Ethan would need to do well on the SAT. Rather than add to his stress by pressuring him, she decided to model to her son how to get […]
older teens and adults
For our college age young people, and also for ourselves as homeschooling moms. (I used to tag this as ‘adult’ but my hubby told me that had the wrong connotation.)
Review: Promise and Deliverance by S.G. De Graaf
It can be difficult to find a quality narrative Bible curriculum for teens and adults. The four volume Promise and Deliverance series by S.G. De Graaf, first published years ago, is still among the best. Many years ago Christianity Today called it “A landmark in interpreting the simple stories of the Bible” and that assessment […]
Review: The Marriage You’ve Always Wanted by Gary Chapman
Gary Chapman, popularizer of the 5 Love Languages concept, has reworked an earlier book, Toward a Growing Marriage, into this helpful manual. He states that the goal of marriage is a deep, total union of a couple on all levels—intellectual, social, spiritual, emotional, and physical. From a Biblical viewpoint, Chapman deals with all the usual […]
Civics: How Our Heavenly Citizenship Affects Our Earthly Countries
One of our homeschooling goals is to raise citizens of the kingdom of heaven who care about their earthly country as well. We want to equip them to influence their culture for Christ…and this includes political action. How can we equip our children to influence their culture for Christ? Obviously, it begins with teaching our […]
Review: Jonathan Edwards by Simonetta Carr
When many ideas about God, life, and the world were being questioned seriously for the first time in centuries, Jonathan Edwards grappled with them, both in his life and his teaching. His answers to these questions greatly influenced the age he lived in and have also left a mark on the way we think today. In […]