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older teens and adults

For our college age young people, and also for ourselves as homeschooling moms. (I used to tag this as ‘adult’ but my hubby told me that had the wrong connotation.)

Review: A Godward Heart by John Piper

Sometimes short meditations are easier to absorb than whole books.  This may be because it is easier to evaluate and determine a life response to a few paragraphs than to a whole book. A Godward Heart by John Piper is a book of 50 of such meditations covering a wide range of topics from “This […]

Review: Truth Matters: Confident Faith in a Confusing World

Truth matters.  What you believe about the ultimate questions of life, death, God, and our purpose makes all the difference in the world… and not only for today. But what is truth, and how can we know it?  Long ago Satan confused Eve with his half-truth, and he has been confusing people ever since.  Nowadays, […]

Review: The Miting by Dee Yoder

Leah’s friend Martha is wild and rebellious, interested only in boys, movies, and partying.  She is, understandably, in trouble in her Amish community, and Leah’s Daet and Maem worry about her bad influence on their daughter.  So they encourage Jacob Yoder, hoping Leah will settle down and become a good Amish wife. And, as her […]

Review: Daisies are Forever by Liz Tolsma

Twenty-year-old Gisela Cramer, an American, is living in a nightmare.  In 1945, as the Third Reich is crumbling, Prussian Germans are fleeing west, always west, to escape the cruelty of the invading Russians.  Gisela is among them, taking along her cousin’s two daughters, her Opa’s best friend, two senile sisters, a disguised British POW, and her own anguished memories of a […]

Review: Candle Bible Handbook

Any person, Christian or not, who aims to understand Western literature, art, thought, and science must have a working knowledge of the Bible.   After all, it is the most read and most influential book in Western culture over the last two millennia.  In terms of homeschooling, this means that the Bible should be a foundational […]