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older teens and adults

For our college age young people, and also for ourselves as homeschooling moms. (I used to tag this as ‘adult’ but my hubby told me that had the wrong connotation.)

Review: And Tomorrow the Stars: The Story of John Cabot by Kay Hill

Young Giovanni Caboto of Genoa cared for nothing but boats, but he was sent off to Venice to live with his uncle, a wealthy spice merchant.   There, together with his new friend Michiele, he studied at the monastery and was especially fascinated by geography and exploration.   When he got into trouble he was thrilled with […]

Review: Shadowed by Grace by Cara Putman

Rachel Justice, an American photographer, is thrilled to get a newspaper assignment to Italy during World War II. She needs the money her photos will earn to fund medical treatment for her dying mother.  However, she’s not counting only on her own photography; she’s also hoping to find her Italian artist father, a man she’s never known and […]

Review: Pilgrimage by Lynn Austin

I know Lynn Austin as the wonderful author of several books, several of which I have reviewed. Well, in this book, Pilgrimage:  My Journey to a Deeper Faith in the Land Where Jesus Walked, I really got to know the author herself.  I also learned about myself as well as about our God.   What more […]

Review: Clear Winter Nights by Trevin Wax

When Trevin Wax wrote Clear Winter Nights: A Journey into Truth, Doubt, and What Comes After, he did not mean it to be a conventional novel, but rather “a narrative about two people engaging the big questions of life”.  Even so, the characters are so realistic and loveable and their conversations are so compelling that […]

Review: The Christmas Star by Ace Collins

It’s a whole lot easier to get into trouble than to get out of it.  Sometimes getting out of it takes a miracle. And sometimes God sends one miracle after another. Jimmy Reed, sixteen years old and drifting into mischief, dreaded another Christmas with his dead father’s Congressional Medal of Honor hanging on the tree.  […]