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middle school

Online Science Articles by Margaret Helder

When I was growing up, our family regularly read science articles by Dr. Margaret Helder in Reformed Perspective, a Christian magazine we subscribed to (now online here).  I learned a lot then—facts and ideas as well as the basic concept that it was possible to be a Christian in science—and went on to become a […]

Review: The Kids Book of Canadian Prime Ministers by Pat Hancock

Over the years, our favorite introduction to Canadian prime ministers has been Pat Hancock’s colorful overview, The Kids Book of Canadian Prime Ministers.  It is geared toward middle schoolers but is also useful as a quick review of Canadian history facts for high school students. The book covers Canada’s first 21 prime ministers, from Sir […]

Review: The Rainey List of Best Books for Children

Our family loves books.  By reading we learn about God, ourselves, and the world.  We learn wisdom:  how to live well in this world, and what ‘live’ and ‘well’ and ‘world’ mean.  We go places we could never go on our own and learn from other people’s hard work and hard-won experience.  And we have […]

Resources for Luther and the Reformation

As I paged through piles of books while preparing this article, I was reminded that there is one resource each of the reformers would have placed at the top of a Reformation resource list, the Bible.  All treasured it, all based their lives on it, and some died for it.  Obviously, you cannot truly understand […]

Review: John Knox by Simonetta Carr

John Knox is among the most colorful Reformers.  From galley slave to royal preacher and devoted family man, he was both vigorous and gentle.  When he explained the duties of rulers to Queen Mary of Scotland, she became speechless with amazement; when his mother-in-law worried about her sins, he consoled her with the gospel.  Throughout […]