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The Week in Which We Catch Up a Little Bit

This is week 11 of our school year, but no one is caught up—and no one has ever been caught up this fall.  Although it’s not a huge deal for the little ones, it does matter for the older ones.  This week, however, we were able to accomplish a lot, thanks to rain and fewer commitments.  Feeling under the weather also helped, because no one had energy for much besides schoolwork.  Having smaller appetites also reduced the amount of kitchen work we had to do, freeing up more time for school.  So you see, there’s a positive side to everything! 

NaNoWriMo ended on Tuesday, and Miss 10 and Miss 13 met their word count goals.    Mr. 15 accomplished his personal November goal of adding 100,000 HTML characters to his website, Teen Geek.  Although NaNoWriMo causes a huge upheaval in our school year, the process of meeting an enormous writing goal teaches so many valuable lessons that it is worthwhile.  

With NaNoWriMo out of the way, we’re concentrating on math, science, French, Dutch, grammar, history, music, and more.  It’s good to just sit and work, struggle and learn.  To me, this is winter mode, and I’m ready for it. 

Of course, we made time for a lovely, long Rideau Trail nature walk, which I’ll post about soon.  Last night the whole family attended an amazing Bach organ concert and lecture.  I’m so thankful no one felt nauseous that evening!  

This week I discovered the joy of taking my laptop to the kitchen table and have been working on Miss 17’s portfolio while the children do their schoolwork.  I don’t know why I never thought of this earlier!  It’s a wonderful way to fill in those minutes here and there when the children do not need me, and much more up-building to everyone than having me try to micromanage a houseful of independent learners. 

Speaking of the portfolio, I’m  just filling in the blanks in Lee Binz’s template.  It’s going very well, but I’ve noticed one thing:  records kept on the computer are easier to work with than those written down on paper.  I only wish I’d started this final portfolio four years ago when my oldest started high school!   

To see what other families have been up to, visit Canada Girl and Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.


  1. Stacy's Page says:

    Good for you — getting to work on those portfolios! I just got out a 3-ring binder today that I’m going to use to store dd’s high school tests. I want to get tabs to section it off by subject. I’m trying to get some of that stuff done while I’m on vacation, and not rushed to do so much. I am enjoying doing things at a leisurely pace.

    I hope you have a great Sunday. We are staying home tomorrow morning since we went to church this evening to see the Christmas musical. It was FANTASTIC!! We REALLY enjoyed it!

    1. Annie Kate says:

      I’m trying to get it all done this month, for the highschool courses of each of my oldest three. It will be a load off my mind. 🙂

      Annie Kate

  2. Jenn4him says:

    Yes, there is a bright side to everything if we are trained to look for it! Thanks for the link to the template. I will be needing something like that when we start high school in two year. *big gulp*

  3. Annie Kate says:

    You know, I never thought of that, but you’re so right! It takes training and reminders to look on the bright side of things, and I think that’s part of being grateful…which is a command.

    Thanks, Jenn!

    Annie Kate

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