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My Only Comfort

What is  your only comfort in life and death?

This is the first line of the Heidelberg Catechism, the most popular and enduring catechism written during the Reformation.  Widely studied, memorized, preached, and written about, it is so popular because it is full of gospel comfort and practical piety.

No matter what is happening in society and in your personal life, as a Christian you, too, can answer:

That I am not my own,

but belong with body and soul,

both in life and in death,

to my faithful Saviour Jesus Christ.

He has fully paid for all my sins

with His precious blood,

and has set me free from all the power of the devil.

He also preserves me in such a way

that without the will of my heavenly Father

not a hair can fall from my head;

indeed, all things must work together

for my salvation.

Therefore, by His Holy Spirit

He also assures me of eternal life

and makes me heartily willing and ready

from now on to live for Him.

This comfort is shared at No Ordinary Blog Hop, Encourage One Another Wednesday, Women Living Well Wednesdays, Works For Me Wednesday , and Raising Homemakers.


  1. Annie,
    My heart is full reading this and it brings tears to my eyes. I believe it with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength. You are on my heart today. I am praying for you, dear one. Stand firm. Psalm 91 Thank you for sharing your heart. There is much written here with few words.

  2. These words are so powerful and so true.
    Thank you for sharing this…
    Kara @ The Chuppies/NOBH

  3. Kathleen says:

    I love this opening question of the Heidelberg. It it is Mercy and Grace define. A very close second, is question 60:

    How are you righteous before God?

    Only by true faith in Jesus Christ.
    Although my conscience accuses me that I have grievously sinned against all God’s commandments, have never kept any of them, and am still inclined to all evil, yet God, without any merit of my own, out of mere grace, imputes to me the perfect satisfaction, righteousness, and holiness of Christ.

    He grants these to me as if I had never had nor committed any sin, and as if I myself had accomplished all the obedience which Christ has rendered for me, if only I accept this gift with a believing heart. AMEN!

    1. Annie Kate says:

      Yes! I’m excited that you know this catechism! So few people do, and they miss a lot.

      I love the whole catechism and am so grateful my children are being taught it, too. Our church has catechism classes for the youth, and we have catechism sermons most Sunday afternoons. It’s such a special gift for us all to take into life with us!

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