If you and your children like worksheets, clip art, and all sorts of enrichment activities, you’ll want to look at abcteach. It has thousands of free worksheets and activities for you to enjoy, from handwriting pages to outline maps, and from counting flashcards to a discussion of the US food guide.
As a Homeschool Crew reviewer, I get a month’s access to the abcteach membership site with over 35,000 pages of worksheets, activities and tools. Check back in a few weeks when I’ll post what we thought of that part of the site. In the meantime, enjoy the freebies!
See you soon for another Tea Time with Annie Kate.
For more tips see Canada Girl’s Tightwad Tuesday, We Are THAT Family’s Works for Me Wednesday, and 5J’s Thirsty Thursdays: Satisfying Our Kids’ Thirst For Knowledge One Sip at a Time.
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