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Reviews: Fiction

Review: A Mosaic of Wings by Kimberly Duffy

Nora Shipley, entomology student at Cornell in 1885, is tied at the head of her class with Owen Epp.  Trained by her late father to understand insects, especially butterflies, she excels in both accomplishment and drive.  In fact, once she graduates she aims to rescue the scientific journal her father started because her stepfather Lucius, […]

Review: Unyielding Hope by Janette Oke and Laurel Oke Logan

Lillian has just lost her mother, her second mother.  The first one died, along with her father and little sister, when she was a small child.  The second one, who raised her with endless compassion and understanding, died when Lillian was a young woman.  Her father, distraught, arranged for the two of them to go […]

Review: Whose Waves These Are by Amanda Dykes

For years Annie Bliss and her great uncle GrandBob had been sending each other messages via the boat section of the classifieds. But now something was wrong with GrandBob and Annie raced to Ansel-by-the-Sea. It had been twenty years since she spend that summer there, that hardest summer of her life, and GrandBob had taken […]

Review: On a Summer Tide by Suzanne Woods Fisher

Camden Grayson and her sisters Maddie and Blaine were curious why their father had called them together. When he told them, they were shocked. Of all things, he had sold the house and bought an island! Three Sisters Island, indeed. What was going on with him? Was it a delayed reaction after their mother’s death? […]

Review: Between Two Shores by Jocelyn Green

When her Mohawk mother died, Catherine Stand Apart went to live with her French father Gabriel Duval near Montreal. Her sister Bright Star and their little brother Joseph stayed behind and, inevitably, part of Catherine’s heart did too. But she had made her choice; her father needed her. Now, in 1759 Catherine ran his trading […]