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Weekly Wrap Up

Our Summer So Far

The first month of summer has drifted by like a river, unstoppable. Most days I was out in the garden first thing in the morning, the time I used to use for writing, and on the days I didn’t garden, I went for a walk. So instead of writing, I breathed in fresh air, wrestled […]

January and February: Life, High School, Books, and More

What a winter it’s been—snow, ice, two big thaws, and now almost spring, but with a veil of fresh snow. Weather is such a changing thing.  One day I watched fluffy clouds race through a ‘peaceful’ blue sky and was astonished at how turbulent they were.  In the space of time it took each cloud […]

Wrapping Up: The Past Six Weeks

Here we are in a December world full of snow so crunchy that it sets Miss 15’s teeth on edge.  The bunny and the chickens, including a gorgeous new rooster, are warm in their insulated places, and our older dog Rex has graciously allowed young Sparky a (small) place in the barn.  Inside, our fire […]

September and October at our House

Our lives are filled with miracles, the ones that recur every day and seem almost normal, like sunrise, electricity, digestion, relationships, and forgiveness, and the ones we pray and give special thanks for like impossible cures, unexpected successes, and mind-blowing coincidences.  When these happen, we need to be grateful, not proud; we need to see […]

May and June at our House

The past two months have been such a dizzying whirl that in July our birthday calendar was still on the May page!  We had two family gatherings, thousands of miles on the road, gardening, birthdays, an anniversary, get-togethers with friends, many visitors, 23 chicks, the end of the hockey season, Canada’s rainy 150th birthday, and […]