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Effective, Free, Safe, Natural, Simple Headache Remedy

Yes, you’ve read it correctly! There is such a miraculous remedy. I’ve been using it for many, many years and it rarely fails. In fact I don’t have many headaches anymore since I now also use the remedy as prevention.  Friends and family use it successfully as well.

What is this magic elixir? Water, simply water. The cure for most of my headaches is to drink two full cups of water. Apparently huge numbers of the population are chronically dehydrated, and for many people a major symptom of dehydration is a headache.

Water solves the problem of dehydration, and so removes the headache. Other drinks, such as juice, coffee, tea, or pop, do not work so well. Juice and pop can cause blood sugar spikes; coffee and tea apparently can cause dehydration and headaches. So just try plain water.

If the headache isn’t substantially improved within 20 minutes after the first two cups of water, have another cup or two of water, with a bit of food to prevent water intoxication. If you don’t feel better soon, dehydration is probably not the cause of this headache.

If you sip small amounts of water throughout the day, you may prevent a lot of headaches as well as other symptoms of dehydration. (But do not drink huge amounts of water by itself at one time; this can be dangerous.)

Other causes of headaches include fatigue, stress, environment, and illness; in such cases you obviously need to take additional measures, but drinking enough water can help ease the pain of these headaches as well.

Because drinking water is such an effective cure for headaches, I’m adapting this popular article from my archives.

Note: Of course these suggestions are not medical advice; always consult your doctor if you have any concerns.

– For more tips, see  Encourage One Another Wednesday, Women Living Well Wednesdays, Works For Me Wednesday , Raising Homemakers, Wise Woman Link-Up, Simple Lives Thursdays, and Frugal Friday.


  1. Ashley says:

    I totally agree!! I feel much better when I drink plenty of water. Great reminder, especially during these hot summer months!

    1. Annie Kate says:

      My husband used to have debilitating headaches a few days a week. Since he began drinking adequate amounts of water, almost two decades ago, he has a head ache every month or two.

      It makes such a difference!

  2. JoAnn says:

    So true. I remember this when you wrote it before. Something to always remember. Thanks for sharing it again.

    1. Annie Kate says:

      You’re welcome. I forget the importance of water occasionally, and since other people probably do too, I like to share this often. 🙂

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