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June Goals for our Home and Homeschool

  I’ve discovered, with Crystal Paine, that goal-setting accountability helps me do what I know I should do.  So, after taking May off from posting my monthly plans, here we go again.  There’s a lot on this list, but not all of it requires a great deal of time, so I’m hoping to finish most […]

Is Post-Secondary Education Worth It In Canada?

William Bennett, former US Secretary of Education, addressed this question for US students in his latest book:  Is College Worth It?  Because US tuition and student debt are spiraling out of control, many graduates cannot afford to get married, have children, have a stay-at-home parent, or buy a house, often for years after graduation. So, […]

Review: Is College Worth It? by William J. Bennett and David Wilezol

So even if you’re not sure what your academic goals are or what your next steps might be, I encourage you to fill out an application, find out how much financial aid you qualify for, and talk with an Admissions Advisor about your concerns, fears, and dreams. (from an advertisement sent out by a non-traditional […]

April Goals for our Home and Homeschool

This weekend we celebrated Christ’s death and resurrection for our sins.  It’s a good reminder to ask ourselves:  how can we live in thankfulness to our Savior? One aspect of this is that we understand what we are called to do and make careful plans to do these things.  Of course, we all have our […]

March Goals for our Home and Homeschool

One of my New Year’s resolutions was to discover what most needs to be done and then to do it, month by month. The Pantry Challenge was January’s big home project. Homeschool paperwork was February’s big project:  planning the rest of the school year for my teens and documenting everything I need to validate my […]