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Review: Where We Belong by Lynn Austin

Rebecca and Flora Hawes, sisters in the late 1800’s, are always in search of adventure, especially Rebecca who, filled with an insatiable longing for more than school and high society, drags Flora along.  As teens they sneak away from school, their Paris hotel, and the safe parts of their own city, filled with youthful heedlessness […]

Review: The Reformation by Stephen Nichols

Five hundred years ago, on October 31, 1517, Martin Luther nailed a document onto a cathedral door bulletin board*.  That one event, the culmination of years of protest by many, ushered in the Reformation and also, according to Nichols, took the world from the middle ages to modern times. But does the Reformation still matter […]

Why Study Science?

After reminding students that scientific laws are not infallible, Jay Wile, author of Exploring Creation with Biology defends the study of science this way: If science isn’t 100% reliable, why study it?  The answer to that question is quite simple.  There are many interesting facts and much useful information not contained in the Bible.  It […]

Creation Conference Livestream, Aug 13-18

As bestselling author and former pastor Randy Alcorn pointed out several years ago But without the biblical doctrine of creation, there is not only no objective biblical authority, there is no doctrine of human sin and ultimate redemption. If there was no Adam, we did not sin in Adam, and did not need the last […]

Quotations from 102 Top Picks

While reading 102 Top Picks for Homeschool Curriculum, I came across so many worthwhile quotations that I could not fit them into a formal review.  So, today my review is being published on The Curriculum Choice and I’m posting these quotations here. (Links are to my reviews and articles; there are no affiliate links on […]