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Review: Living Forward by Hyatt and Harkavy

Sometimes we just drift through life, responding to daily urgencies without any clear sense of where we are going.  Of course, there are seasons when this is necessary.  When there is a new baby, when someone is seriously ill, when a loved one temporarily becomes over-busy, during a move, or during other demanding situations, our goal […]

Review: Schoolproof by Mary Pride

This little gem, over a quarter century old, fell into my hands many years ago and shaped my idea of what homeschooling can and should be.  I have just read it again and have, once again, come to the same conclusion:  This is one of the few books that every Christian homeschooler should read. Although […]

Movie Review: Tim’s Vermeer

When I walked into the library, our usually calm librarian started to bubble.  “Remember that DVD you recommended, Tim’s Vermeer?  I just watched it!”  And then, for the next five minutes she flitted from one scene or concept to the next, exclaiming, explaining, commenting, and enjoying the memories. My teen daughters were not quite that […]

Review: Career Exploration by Vicki Tillman

As homeschooling parents of teens we are not only teachers; we are also guidance counsellors.  This is enough to frighten many parents but there are resources that make it easier. One of them is Vicki Tillman’s Career Exploration, a workbook that explores many aspects of a teen’s aptitudes, interests, and passions and helps translate them […]

Review: The Last Ride by Susan Marlow

I have never heard Miss 13, my reluctant reader, laugh and squeal her way through a book until she read The Last Ride by Susan Marlow. Then she said, “Give it a good review, Mom!  It’s awesome!” And a few days later she went back and read the best parts again, because it is so […]