Our children studied phonics to learn to read. Some of them learned to spell automatically as well, but others did not seem to understand that the same sounds used for reading could also be used for spelling. All About Spelling breaks words apart and uses phonics to teach spelling. Yes, there are word lists, […]
Reviews: Curriculum
Review: Professor in a Box Accounting
Miss 16 Year-Old wanted to learn accounting, so I bought her the only homeschool accounting course I had ever heard of. It was a disappointment, but, hey, what could we do? We had paid for it, and there was not, to my knowledge, anything better available. Then, as has happened several times already this […]
Homeschool Crew Review: AVKO Membership
AVKO (Audio, Visual, Kinesthetic, Oral) Educational Research Foundation offers a wide range of help for those struggling with dyslexia or other reading and spelling issues. Its mission is “to provide free and low-cost resources to home and school educators in order to achieve literacy for all, even despite learning challenges or dyslexia.” Don McCabe, the […]
Homeschool Crew Review: America’s Heritage: An Adventure in Liberty
“If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be.” Thomas Jefferson The United States is, undeniably, facing difficult times. The American Heritage Resource Education Foundation says these problems arise partly because the citizens are forsaking their roots, expecting to remain […]
Homeschool Crew Review: DISCOVER Online, EXPLORE, and PLAN
As you know, I’m from Canada, where many of the US teen institutions are not a big deal. Prom, college (as opposed to university), fraternities and sororities, SAT tests, and ACT tests are all mostly south-of-the-border things. In fact, I didn’t even really hear about SAT and ACT tests until very recently. So much for […]