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Reviews: Curriculum

Homeschool Crew Review: abcteach

  We’re not a worksheet kind of family.  At all.  So when we were offered a month’s free membership with abcteach, I wasn’t excited. I thought it was just some massive, boring worksheet factory.  Dutifully I began to explore the site so that I could write a review… and what I found thrilled me.  There’s […]

Homeschool Crew Review: My Access! Home Edition

      Writing is a crucial skill, but it’s hard to be consistent about teaching it. What’s more, the burden of marking everyone’s writing overwhelms me.  This year, thanks to My Access! Home Edition, our children are spending much more time writing.  What’s more, they also get instant feedback and individualized instruction from the […]

Homeschool Crew Review: College and Career Guide

With two teens, I knew we needed to look at some sort of aptitude testing, career counseling, and guidance program.  It was one of these vague projects in the back of my head.  However, time moves on, and our oldest was entering grade 11.  It was time to get moving on this project, and soon!  […]

Homeschool Crew Review: Lapbooks from A Journey Through Learning

      We have rarely made lapbooks in all our years of learning together.  To me they have always seemed to be vague, messy, time-consuming projects, but A Journey Through Learning, a lapbook company, disagrees:  “A lapbook is a FUN, HANDS-ON and CREATIVE way for your child to record information that he/she has learned […]

Homeschool Crew Review: Nutrition 101: Choose Life!

  So often I hear about how North Americans harm themselves by their food choices.  Although our family has always eaten quite nutritiously,  there are many ways in which I could improve our family’s nutrition.  Some of them I’m not prepared to get involved with.  Yet.  Some I even scoff at.  For now.   I think all thoughtful food […]