Today is Remembrance Day, a time for remembering those who fought for freedom throughout the world for learning about them. Since we are of Dutch descent, our family focuses on thanking the Canadian soldiers who freed my parents, my in-laws and the rest of the Dutch people. These veterans are getting older every year, but we did meet […]
Field Trip: Upper Canada Village
Nestled on the St. Lawrence River in Eastern Ontario, Upper Canada Village represents a busy community in the 1860’s. We visit it every few years with a whole group of homeschoolers, and each year something else stands out. One year it was the ripe pears falling from the trees, one year it was being handed […]
Cartier Sails the St. Lawrence by Esther Holder Averill
We’re studying Canadian history next year and I’m slowly gathering a booklist. Many of the best books are old, out of print, and difficult to get even by interlibrary loan. So I’m very grateful to Mama Squirrel of Dewey’s Treehouse for discovering an ebook version of Cartier Sails the St. Lawrence by Esther Holden Averill. […]
Is Post-Secondary Education Worth It In Canada?
William Bennett, former US Secretary of Education, addressed this question for US students in his latest book: Is College Worth It? Because US tuition and student debt are spiraling out of control, many graduates cannot afford to get married, have children, have a stay-at-home parent, or buy a house, often for years after graduation. So, […]