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church history

Review: Miraculous Movements by Jerry Trousdale

In the last few decades, and especially since 9/11, the Muslim world has seemed both invincible and dangerous, not only to the West but even more to Christians.  Miraculous Movements is a compelling and heartening reminder that God is in control. Rather than living in dread of persecution by their neighbors and countrymen, Christians are […]

Review: Crushed Yet Conquering by Deborah Alcock

This book has been on my shelf for a long time, but for some reason I never read it.  What a mistake!  It is the early fifteenth century, and in Bohemia John Huss is preaching God’s Word.  Throughout Europe, the faithful are disheartened by the antics of rival popes.  And in Constance, Hubert Bohun is […]

Review: Tyndale by David Teems

You may know the story of Tyndale, a man consumed by the goal to translate the Bible so every English plough boy could read it, a man hunted as a heretic and eventually martyred for his work.  Tyndale by David Teems does not focus on this story, but rather tells the tale of his work, […]

Review: Three Men Came to Heidelberg and Glorious Heretic

The Reformation of the 16th century produced many great documents, including the beloved Heidelberg Catechism and the thorough Belgic Confession.  For their 400th anniversaries, about 50 years ago, Thea B. Van Halsema wrote the stories of how these two influential documents were written. Three Men Came to Heidelberg tells the story of the Heidelberg Catechism. […]

Review: Done and Dared in Old France by Deborah Alcock

Little Gaspard, fleeing for his life in the dark forest, spied the light of a small cottage.  The family, rougher people than he had ever met, needed a young boy to help smuggle salt and gave Gaspard two choices:  die or become a smuggler.  Although he learned their ways and met their friends, he never quite […]