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Review: Personality Plus at Work

There are people I just don’t understand…and sometimes I get frustrated with their different ways of thinking and doing things.  They also get frustrated with me.  Yet we all mean well; we just can’t understand each other. At all. Throughout the years, I’ve observed that many people have the same problem.  What’s more, being ‘nice’ […]

Review: Foundations in Personal Finance Homeschool Curriculum

Looking ahead to my children’s futures, I don’t want to see them saddled with debt, living hand-to-mouth, fighting about money with their spouses, needing two incomes to survive, and unable to support their local church and other worthy causes. And I’m sure you don’t want that for your children either. Now, sometimes such financial strain […]

A Homeschooler Discusses the Book, 168 Hours

How many hours are there in a week?  168.  According to author Laura Vanderkam, this number is very important in a successful life.  We should manage our lives in terms of  168-hour weeks, rather than individual days or hours, because anything important, including (and especially) exercise, will fit into those 168 hours. Although written for adults, 168 […]

Review: When Life’s Not Working by Bob Merritt

Life is challenging for many of us; for some of us, it is downright tough.   So why do some people thrive while others in similar circumstances spiral downward?  To answer this question, Pastor Bob Merritt of the huge Eagle Brook Church wrote this book. When Life’s Not Working:  7 Simple Choices for a Better Tomorrow outlines […]

Review: The Final Summit by Andy Andrews

  Take a man in despair, a man who was once selected to learn from the great people of the past, a man who shocked the world by actually doing what they said.  Then take a world, like ours, that has strayed from its path in so many ways.  And, finally, summon the greatest men […]