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When Your Teen Can No Longer Focus

  Sometimes it happens. Your brilliant, super-capable teen is no longer learning, and you sense it is not merely an attitude problem. You begin to suspect something is seriously wrong…and you are probably right. In our many years of homeschooling we have come across this problem a few times, and this I have learned: When […]

Review: Sylvan Learning Center Assessment

With almost two decades of homeschooling under our belts, our family has experienced a variety of learning issues.  Most of them we have been able to diagnose and resolve ourselves. When I marked a recent French test, though, I realized I needed expert help.  Occasionally we all find ourselves in situations where our love, patience, […]

Review: Discovering the 5 Love Languages at School

You have probably heard about Gary Chapman’s 5 Love Languages and how they can transform relationships.  This simple concept suggests that people give and feel love in 5 main ways or ‘languages’: words of affirmation, quality time, acts of service, gifts, touch. Once people understand the concept that some of these ‘languages’ will make an individual person […]

Homeschool ‘Mommy Marks’ and Universities #2

Two years ago we got the surprise of our lives when my son received a top marks-based scholarship from a university that says it accepts neither ‘mommy marks’ nor SAT scores. Two weeks ago, the same thing happened to my daughter!  Needless to say, we are thrilled and exceedingly grateful.  God has blessed her studies […]

When your Child Cannot Learn Well: Psychoeducational Testing at Home

After a recent Sylvan Learning Center assessment, we were encouraged to get psychoeducational testing for one of our children.  However, the cost was $2000, way beyond our budget.  (Note that this is a service provided by independent psychologists who specialize in education, not by Sylvan.) When I discussed that with the Sylvan lady, she said, […]