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Review: Explain Pain by Butler and Moseley

This is one of the most difficult books I’ve read recently, not so much because of its intellectual challenge but because I need to absorb and understand it at a deep level in order to support loved ones in pain. I have read it twice in the last two months while trying to apply its […]

Skillpower, Willpower, and New Year’s Goals

In Disease Proof, Katz argues that most people do not accomplish their goals because they do not have the skills to do so.  It isn’t that they are lazy or unmotivated or bad; it simply is that they have never learned the basic steps to choosing goals, losing weight, exercising, and so forth.  This book, […]

Review: Smart but Scattered Teens by Guare, Dawson, and Guare

Perhaps you have one of them, a teen who is bright but just can’t seem to get things together.  Sometimes I suspect most of us, parents and teens, are scattered in one way or another.  But some struggle in a deeper way with executive skills, ‘the functions of our brains and thought processes that help […]

Sex Education with Jonathan McKee

We Christian homeschoolers can teach our kids almost anything, and we do.  The one thing we have issues with, however, is sex education and that is because, as Christians, most of us are unaware of what the world out there is actually like these days. And unless you’ve seen the enemy, you don’t know what […]

Review: Total Recovery by Gary Kaplan

Chronic pain is common in our society, and so are depression, anxiety, and many autoimmune conditions.  Despite all the advances of medicine, there seem to be more and more people that modern medicine is not able to cure or even make comfortable.  It almost seems as though the current medical paradigm is faulty and a […]