Homeschooling moms could always use a helpful tweak for their homeschool…or some practical advice…or some encouragement. Right? Over at the Curriculum Choice some of us have put our favorite ideas for homeschooling moms into an informative post, Homeschool Mom Helps. It’s worth taking some time to look through the tips, suggestions, and inspiration. Enjoy!
homeschooling tips
Miss 12’s Spelling Solution
Some children can spell easily, but others struggle, and struggle, and struggle. Somehow, they just don’t see the individual letters in a word or hear the individual sounds. As we struggled for a solution, Miss 12 came up with a new way to study her problem words. This way she always has them with her […]
Older Students Need Attention, Too
Our homeschools go through seasons. Sometimes we can predict them, but once in a while we are surprised. My surprise this year is that I need to spend more time on homeschooling than I did last year, even though the girls are (obviously) older. You see, this year each of the girls is being stretched. […]
Curriculum Plans for Grades 7, 9, and 12
Often my homeschool plans are too ambitious. Other times they are reasonable, but unexpected things happen. In fact, last year, for various reasons, we were completely unable to meet our learning goals. Now, after reading Crazy Busy, I’m deliberately scaling my expectations way, way back as I plan our school year. Hopefully this will lead […]