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homeschooling tips

Bible Study Charts for the Veritas Omnibus Program

  In order to plan Bible for our school year, I made these two charts.  Since our teens do not study the entire Omnibus program I wanted an overview of its Bible study so I could easily plan their studies. The first chart shows where in the 6 volumes of Omnibus each Bible book is […]

Review: Mastermind by Maria Konnikova

In the past few years I have repeatedly read about how our ‘objective’ decisions and opinions are often influenced by completely unexpected factors.  The mind is a fascinating thing.  For us homeschooling moms who spend our days trying to train our children’s minds, such research and conclusions can have practical implications. Mastermind, an analysis of […]

Ambleside Online

For almost twenty years I’ve been looking at, comparing, purchasing, and reviewing a wide variety of homeschool curricula.  In all those years, one option has always stood out, Ambleside Online. Ambleside Online is an incredible Charlotte Mason curriculum. Spanning all the grades with a few extra options for lighter years and catch up years, it […]

Election Report Guidelines

You know how sometimes you just want your kids to learn and write about something without a lot of angst and procrastination? Well, we’re having an election in Ontario and that’s a golden opportunity for a report.  But this time I’m telling my teens exactly what I want to see in the report.  It’s almost […]

Conference Lessons: Relax About Schoolwork

“If I had to do it over, I’d relax more about schoolwork.”  I heard this several times at our homeschool conference, but it’s a hard thing for me to accept and actually live with.  I prefer rigorous academics like classical education, especially for my teens.  My kids are bright, and I want to give them […]