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homeschooling tips

Review: Mathematics: Is God Silent? by James Nickel

  Here’s an essential question for all homeschoolers:  does God have anything to say about mathematics?  Is there a Christian way to teach math, or is it a neutral subject on which an atheist and a believer would agree? In 357 thoroughly-researched pages, James Nickel shows that those who do not believe in God eventually […]

Is School Closed for Harvest?

So, here we are, almost a month and a half after beginning our school year.  How has it gone?  Well, we garden…and we understand intimately why pioneer schools were often rather empty during harvest season. Between salsa making, picking squashes, canning applesauce, and more, we have had many fewer full school days than we wished.   […]

You, Your Teen’s Guidance Counsellor

  If you, a homeschooling mom, have teens, you need to become their guidance counsellor.  Yes, really.  Who else is going to guide them through the maze of questions about their future?  Help them discover what they want to be?  Tell them about jobs, apprenticeships, mentors, college, financial aid, scholarships, admission tests?  No one.  It’s […]

Review: College Admission and Scholarships by Lee Binz

So here you are, looking at homeschooling high school.  So many people outsource these best and most important years of homeschooling because they feel inadequate.  They think they might fail their child.  And while that is technically possible, every diligent homeschooling parent can succeed with all the fantastic resources available these days. One resource that […]

Leave Some Good Books Lying Around

Recently, Miss 13 spent an afternoon on the couch reading 100 Maps.  It was hard for me to see her lying there, ‘taking it easy’ when she had so much schoolwork to do.   I needed to remind myself several times that this was the best kind of education; because she wanted to read that book […]