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homeschooling tips

Choosing a New Spelling Curriculum

Choosing the right curriculum is important.  It sets the tone, the goals, and the daily activities of your homeschool.  If you chose something that does not suit your child, yourself, your family circumstances, or your beliefs, you are only causing yourself grief.  In fact, I firmly believe that the curriculum you choose can make or […]

Fitting in the ‘Extras’ at the Curriculum Choice

In homeschooling, the ‘extras’ are not only fun but also important.  Sometimes, however, they can feel like a burden to mom. My friends and I over at the Curriculum Choice have put together a list of helpful resources as you fit in the extras this spring.  These will also help you think through your plans for next […]

Beyond the Basics: Making the ‘Extras’ Work in Your Homeschool

When you focus on providing a rigorous education for your children, you are busy.  Very busy.  And so are your kids. In fact, there seems to be little time and energy left for extras, things like life skills, personal projects, chasing rabbit trails, art, music, nature, reading aloud, volunteering, and competitions.  Occasionally homeschoolers are tempted to […]

Are You Having One of those Days?

February is often associated with the winter blues and the homeschooling blahs so my friends and I over at The Curriculum Choice have put together some encouraging words for you.  No matter where you are in your homeschooling journey, you will find hope, understanding, and practical solutions. I shared one of my favorite articles Battling Burn-Out:  Simple […]

Characteristics of Top SAT Scorers

Years ago, before my kids were old enough to give the SAT a serious thought, I read a book subtitled The 7 Secrets of Acing the SAT.  I just rediscovered my old notes and realized that they could be helpful and inspiring to many of you.  (Of course, not everyone should take the SAT or […]