The Art of Education: Reclaiming Your Family, Community, and Self, 15th Anniversary Edition, by Linda Dobson was launched July 4th. I had hoped to have a review posted by then, but this is one of those ‘big’ books that takes time and thought to digest. So, instead of meeting my goal, I took the […]
homeschooling tips
Overwhelmed, Under-challenged, Unmotivated, Disobedient, or Just Plain Lazy?
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about this week’s Blog Cruise question, “How do you help your child if he is struggling to learn?” We’ve dealt with this issue several times, and have discovered five different reasons for learning struggles. The child could be overwhelmed. In fact, this is what most people refer […]
Homeschool Crew Review: Lesson Planet
Lesson Planet, ‘The Search Engine for Teachers’ is a site that ‘makes it easy for teachers and parents to search over 225,000 online lesson plans and worksheets that have been reviewed and rated by teachers.’ If you are a teacher, you use lesson plans. You spend time making lesson plans and you follow […]
How do you nurture a love of learning in your child?
People sometimes ask, “How do you instill a love of learning in your child?” I think that’s the wrong question. Children are naturally curious and eager to learn, and God has instilled this in them. Instead, the question should be, “How do you nurture this love of learning? Here are some of the things […]
Battling Burn-Out: Simple but Not Easy
One big homeschooling problem revolves around the questions: How can you avoid burn out? What can you do if you burn out? Before we can tackle these questions, we need to know what burn out is. Burn out: to fail, wear out, or become exhausted by reason of excessive demands on energy, strength or resources (Webster’s Unabridged […]