In one of his wanderings through the fields near our home, Mr. 19 took this picture. We knew that bears come around every year or two, but I had never seen any tracks before! Our children are used to running around freely outside and in the woods, but we have had to add a few bear safety […]
nature study
Measuring the Speed of Light with Chocolate
One of the fundamental scientific quantities in the universe is the speed of light. It is a huge number—about 300,000,000 meters per second or 186,000 miles per second—and is basic to electricity, magnetism, particle physics, cosmology, and the theory of relativity. And, what’s really cool, most homes nowadays have the tools to measure it! We […]
Reading about Math and Science
Years ago we started the practice of reading books about science and math as an ‘official’ part of our homeschool (i.e. something I make sure happens). We read not only our carefully chosen textbooks, but also biographies, picture books, explanations of concepts, and deep discussions. Why? Because, while science and math textbooks are indispensable, especially […]
Because of Creation, Nature Study Makes Sense
Nature study is an essential part of our life and homeschool. Even when we lived surrounded by pavement, we found spots of green beauty within walking distance—although sometimes it was a long walk. Nowadays we live in a small paradise, with woods, wetlands, farmland, birds, mammals, insects, our garden, and more. As I stood among […]
Sale on Classical Astronomy Curriculum and Book
Do you want to understand the night sky the way it was understood hundreds or even thousands of years ago? Do you want to know how to tell time and direction, seasons and solstices just by looking up? Resources about such fascinating aspects of classical astronomy can be difficult to find. Here’s good news, though. […]