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nature study

Holiday Photos

I am so thankful for the holidays we were able to have!  We spent much time with loved ones, much time in nature, and dozens of hours driving.  God kept us safe on the roads despite a dangerous tire problem and malfunctioning brake lights—and those were fixed relatively quickly.  Even though our homecoming was filled […]

The Fall Homeschool

  As we look ahead to fall, there are so many things to consider: formal schooling, school supplies, cooler weather, and, for many, some form of harvesting or preserving.  This is always an exciting time of year, full of happy and idealistic plans.  Such enthusiasm is good, as long as we pair it with realism.  […]

Review: Darwin, The Voyage that Shook the World

Many of the papers and books I’ve been reading these days have been influenced by Darwin’s thought; most of our news items are as well; and our entire culture is driven by offshoots of his ideas.  Science, politics, medicine, social sciences, law, literature, music, and even Christian thought have largely absorbed Darwinian concepts of survival […]

The Homeschool Garden

Over the years, gardening has become part of our identity and it has hugely influenced all of us, in terms of learning as well as food, flowers, and skills.  So, when Tricia at The Curriculum Choice was looking for someone to host a feature about gardening and homeschooling, I jumped at the chance. What an […]

First Day of Spring

Although just a few days ago the snow was still blowing into drifts on our road, spring is officially here! The trees know that and are sending up sweet sap which some of my friends toilsomely turn into maple syrup. We know, too, and are almost ready to order our seeds for the summer, dreaming […]