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Teaching Geography in the Homeschool

Over at the Curriculum Choice this week, some homeschooling moms are discussing how they teach geography in their homeschools.  Among other things, Heather, mom of 4 kids aged 12 and up, shares how her family combines Earth Science and Google Earth with geography.  She also presents a Narnian atlas as a free download.     Heidi, […]

Review: Embodied Hope by Kelly Kapic

Pain and suffering require good theology because often, during intense pain of any kind, the whole question of how God’s sovereignty and goodness relate becomes intensely personal.  Often Psalm 92:15—The Lord is upright; he is my Rock, and there is no wickedness in him—becomes a very difficult confession.  Is God really good?  Sometimes it’s an […]

Resources for Luther and the Reformation

As I paged through piles of books while preparing this article, I was reminded that there is one resource each of the reformers would have placed at the top of a Reformation resource list, the Bible.  All treasured it, all based their lives on it, and some died for it.  Obviously, you cannot truly understand […]

From Homeschool to University

Over at the Curriculum Choice, some other long-term homeschoolers and I are discussing how to homeschool with college in mind. Betsy, who helps other homeschooling moms figure out how to prepare their children for college, gives many links to her articles on the topic and also has her ebook, Homeschooling High School with College in […]

Examples of High School Records for Multiyear, Literature-Based History Courses

At one point I was asked exactly how I recorded my teens’ Canadian history studies for their university admission records.  I could see no other way to answer the question than to cut and paste the relevant sections from their comprehensive records, which makes this article incredibly long.  Hopefully it will benefit some of you. […]