Tea Time with Annie Kate Rotating Header Image

Outings with a Purpose: National March for Life


When all our children were young, we were able to go on many field trips.  For various reasons, this is no longer possible, but we still have occasional outings, such as today.


This afternoon is Canada’s national March for Life in our capital, Ottawa.  The children and I used to make a big event of it every year, often enjoying a stunning nearby display of tulips before trekking home.  Since I am no longer able to manage the walking and standing, two of our children are going with friends today.  All of us will attend one of the prayer services.


This walk for life, largely ignored by the media, involves people of hugely diverse backgrounds:  varying ethnicities, different religions, old people, young people, men, women, children, teens, some from close by and some from other parts of the country,  all uniting to peacefully demonstrate the value of unborn children.   The huge crowd gathers on Parliament Hill for music and speeches.  It is a time of sunshine and sunscreen—or rain and umbrellas—children running around on the grass near their parents, people chatting, huge echoes from the buildings across the street, handing out placards, prayers… and then, finally, the procession begins.  After the walk through downtown Ottawa, marchers have an opportunity to learn from the Silent No More Awareness Campaign  how abortion affects the women and men involved.


By participating in this event, our children not only send the important message to politicians that they care about the unborn.  They also become involved in civic life, realize the huge numbers of people involved, notice the astonishing under-reporting by the secular media, and connect with like-minded people.  They are serving their God and their country in a very dynamic environment.


Memories of the March for Life will linger when, in the fall, the children will once again, the Lord willing, gather pledges to fund a local pregnancy distress center.  Such initiatives are, of course, the other side of the pro-life effort and equally important.


Please pray for the success of this peaceful demonstration, and for good weather.  Please pray for mothers who are facing not only an unexpected pregnancy but also overwhelming pressure from family and ‘friends’ to abort their babies.  Please also pray that God’s rules for morality will be understood and respected by more and more people.


See you for next Tuesday’s Tea Time.  May you be blessed this weekend as you strive to be a blessing to others!



  1. LarabaK says:

    Praise God for this opportunity to show people the truth about the unborn.

    It is of course true in the USA as well that pro-life demonstrations are underreported in the media. I have largely gotten to the point that I don't read or watch secular news generally, because I don't trust it to be honest and unslanted.


  2. proverbsmama says:

    I didn't realize you were in Canada! I have "met" at least three ladies who live in Canada.

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