Tea Time with Annie Kate Rotating Header Image

This Week’s Plans



Well, the last few days have involved sniffles, fever, coughs, a dead mouse in the wall (phew!!), allergies, and more.  So far his week looks more promising, with lovely weather, company coming, and, hopefully, good health.



There are a few things that need to be done:


  • Bring our young dog in to be spayed.
  • Buy three pairs of glasses.
  • Finish a few more chapters in high school French and biology.
  • Finish writing up an outline for each course and start planning the work for the first trimester.  We start school in two weeks.
  • Dry more herbs and figure out how to preserve Italian dandelion greens.  We have no ripe tomatoes yet except a few Tiny Tims, but the elderberries are ready to pick.


…and there are many things I want to do:


  • Call manufacturers of Montreak Steak Spice, curry, chili, PAM, and vanilla flavoring to verify that they are gluten-free. 
  • Make or help make three Sense and Sensibility aprons
  • Write a TOS Homeschool Crew review of Quarter Mile Math, a great fact drill program.  
  • Help the three youngest girls with their Autumn lapbook project from A Journey Through Learning, in preparation for a review. 
  • Decide how to use The Complete Career, College, and High School Guide for Homeschoolers, another resource I get to review.   Prepare for the three oldest to start the project immediately.
  • Study Nutrition 101: Choose Life  yet another review product we’ve received, and decide how to use it throughout the year.  This looks good and many of the TOS Homeschool Crew are very excited about it.
  • Study red tides, and figure out what math topics would work in a unit study.  I’ve volunteered to write the math section of a study…but I know very little about these red tides.  Yet. 
  • Finish our current read aloud, The Trapp Family Singers. It’s a lovely book, and all of our children (6-16) are enjoying it.  


The Lord willing, we will be able to fit these things into our week, as well as all the everyday tasks and joys, and some lovely company.  Wishing you all a great week!



  1. 2boysmom says:

    Hope you have a great week. Sounds like you'll be busy.

  2. 2boysmom says:

    The planner is very efficient in that, it houses everything all in one place. It is divided into 9 week sections (quarters) and each section has an envelope that can store the important things of that quarter, such as essays, reports, art, and anything else that you want to keep as an example.

    The highschool planner has a place in the back for keeping track of the hours and volunteer hours, etc. It has alot of great info in the front about S.A.T and A.C.T testing and when to take them.

    The regular planner has a place to record what books were read each week and some blank pages for the kids to make notes or drawings on.

    You can pick different themes for each child when you order. You can also pick black and white or colored, which changes the pricing.

    Overall, it has much more than the regular homeschool planners, but it is more costly. I like it because it has everything you need, all in one spiral bound book.

  3. proverbsmama says:

    I hope you are able to stay focused and get all the things accomplished that you desire to have done. Praying the Lord will bless the work of your hands.

  4. solidrock says:

    I found this web site a while back when we decided to give dandilions a try …after all our yard is full of them!



  5. AnnieKate says:

    Thanks for the encouragement,

    and for the info about the student planner,

    and for the dandelion links!

    Annie Kate

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