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Making Popcorn


We love popcorn.  It’s yummy, easy, relatively healthy, filling, quick, gluten-free, and inexpensive.  Often when we have unexpected company and no treats on hand to feed them, we resort to popcorn. Everyone loves it.


Here’s how to make it…for we’ve discovered that many people are surprised that we pop it ourselves.  I’ll never forget the little fellow in the Netherlands who told his mom in an awed voice, “They make it themselves!  They don’t buy it in a package from the store!”  Adults occasionally have a similar reaction.


  • Put a thin layer (about 1/16th of an inch, or 2mm) of oil in a heavy bottomed pan.
  • Add a complete single layer of popcorn and put the lid on. (You can adjust the amount next time, but this is a good amount to use the first time.)
  • Heat on maximum until the popping begins.
  • After a few seconds, reduce the heat to about ¾ of maximum.
  • Shake the pan, while leaving it on the heating element, so that the unpopped kernels will fall to the bottom of the pan, into the oil.
  • After about a minute, turn the stove off, but keep on shaking the pan on the heating element.
  • Once the popping has stopped, pour the popcorn into a serving bowl (not plastic), salt to taste, and enjoy.


It will take a bit of practice to see what timing works best for your stove and your pan, but it’s worth the effort.


The trick in making popcorn is to get all the kernels to pop without burning any that are already popped.  My husband can usually manage both.  I can’t get them all popped, but I rarely burn them, so I’m happy.   




For more neat tips, see Being Frugal’s Tightwad Tuesday, We are THAT Family’s Works for Me Wednesday, and Life as Mom’s Frugal Friday.



  1. proverbsmama says:

    Check your private messages, sweetie. I sent you one. 🙂

  2. proverbsmama says:

    I'll bet dd would love to try that! She loves popcorn.

  3. jenn4him says:

    We have a Whirly Pop and love it. I much prefer it over microwave, although we use that too, as sometimes the kids want a quick snack without my involvement. I am sure it is not the best for them. And I must thank you so very much for the guidelines you use on going out. May I post them in another post and link back to this blog? I think they would be so encouraging to others who are trying to make wise use of their time.



  4. solidrock says:

    We LOVE homemade popcorn! We buy our popping corn in 25lb bags and store in air tight containers. When people come over they request popcorn.

    When oldest DS got married he purchased a pot specifically for popping corn ( just a heavy shorter stock pot). We pop corn and put it in ziplock bags for snacking ect. So when we went to visit DS I was tickled to see bags of popped pop corn in the snack cupboard. He puts parmsaen cheese and pepper on his.

  5. jenn4him says:

    That's teriffic. I won't post them, because whatever you come up with to say will be much more valuable to me! Just let me know when you post about them. I think others need to hear this wisdom, so I will send my followers your way.


  6. AnnieKate says:

    SolidRock, parmesan cheese and pepper sounds like a yummy popcorn topping! I think my husband would love that combination!

    Jenn, thank you for being so encouraging!

    Annie Kate

  7. franbles99 says:

    I remember the first time I discovered that you could buy popcorn ready popped! I love popcorn and will admit that I ate a huge amount whilst in the cinema on our trip to Canada. It was fabulous. When we won a cinema ticket here which included popcorn I was horrified at what the sugary gloop they gave me – yuck!

    Thanks for the reminder -popcorn tomorrow, I think!


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