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Weekly Wrap Up

 In my life this week…  I got us all set up for term 3;  organized our old garden seeds and ordered the ones;  prepared for the homeschool used book sale;  sold many books and bought new ones; and helped the Little Misses find their summer clothing in the big plastic bins in the basement.  In between I did all the usual homeschooling and all the usual housework except for baking gluten-free bread and tending my kefir.  It’s wonderful to be able to do so much!  My next big project is to continue dejunking and to do some spring cleaning.

In our homeschool this week… We started term 3.  Finally.  On Monday I wrote up the term’s weekly check-off lists for Miss 13 and Mr. 15; I’d done it for the Little Misses last week, and I don’t have to do lists for Miss 18 anymore.  I recall when this used to take all week, but now it takes only a few hours.  For some subjects I set the goals, for others the children do, and occasionally we set no goals at all and just see what happens, writing it in the box at the end of the week.

Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…We went to IKEA for the first time in about three years…even though it’s only 30 minutes away.  Obviously I’m not a big shopper. 

We didn’t start our Rideau Trail walks again this week.  Though I’d love to hang out with my walking friend, I’m still nervous about bears. 

It was fun to see and chat with all the other homeschooling moms at the used book sale.  I don’t see these ladies often enough, but our local conference will be soon, and then I’ll see them all again.

My favorite thing this week was…either the 5 hours of Pride and Prejudice (Darcy looks like my husband; that added a lot to the movie), or the delightful restaurant the girls set up.  Miss 13 planned and cooked; Miss 10 helped type out the menu; Miss 8 helped serve.  My ‘bill’ for our family’s ‘restaurant’ meal was to watch the next installment of Pride and Prejudice!  Perfect!

What’s working/not working for us…Dave Ramsay’s high school finance course is working for us.  After first telling me he didn’t want to waste his time watching the videos, now my son watches them for entertainment.  Dave Ramsay’s a good, good speaker.  Even my husband watches every once in a while.

What’s not working:  Kids running outside to enjoy spring when they should be doing their schoolwork.  The record, so far, is 5 walks before lunch!  And then we wonder why the schoolwork isn’t getting done!

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have…  How can you possibly keep up with schoolwork in the spring?  I cannot recall how we solved this problem other years.

A photo, video, link, or quote to share…Check out Debt-Free U: How I Paid for an Outstanding College Education without Loans, Scholarships, or Mooching off My Parents by Zac Bissonnette.  I haven’t read it yet, but from what I’ve seen it will be very worthwhile.

This post is linked to The Homeschool Mother’s Journal  and to the  Weekly Wrap Up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers. 


  1. MissMOE says:

    Isn’t is amazing how the most “boring” thing can turn into something fun when it’s given a chance? Thanks for sharing your week.

  2. We watch pride and prejudice quite a bit and my husband, who grew up in England, is referred to as Mr. Darcy at my blog! I am stopping by from the homeschoolmother’s jounal linky. please stop by brighton park and say hello!

  3. Elizabeth says:

    🙂 Maybe we’re supposed to just take five walks before lunch in the spring and not fight it…. Your week sounds perfectly wonderful to me, btw!

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