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Review: Heroes of Castle Bretten

On a dull November day General Ruprecht returned to Castle Bretten after a devastating ambush. He explained to the aged chatelaine of the castle, Lady Eleonore, that her former friend Kalmit of Komorn had set the ambush…but never fear, his two sons had been taken prisoner.  To Ruprecht’s fury, however, Lady Eleonore sent one of the prisoners home safely and treated Guido, the other Protestant hostage, as a friend.  

Young Guido also befriended Felix, Ruprecht’s son, and gained the trust of many in the castle.  Soon he began to notice things, and he wondered.  Why had all Lady Eleonore’s friends deserted her?  What was happening to her famous soldiers, the Black Eagles?  Who was the masked hermit?  Why all the suspicious activities?  Was there an enemy? When would he strike?  And, most importantly, how could he be stopped? 

Author Margaret Comrie has combined intrigue, missing family members, heartbreak, penance, and unexplained murder, with narrow escapes, heroism, love, and faith to make The Heroes of Castle Bretten a thrilling and wholesome page-turner.  Together with Guido I prayed and sleuthed, fighting both cruelty and cunning with all my faith, strength, and intellect….  

This is a book to read over and over for anyone aged 11 and up.  Both times I read it I could hardly put it down.

The Heroes of Castle Bretten is available from Inheritance Publications.

Disclosure: I received a free copy of this book from Inheritance Publications in order to review it. I am not compensated for my reviews and my opinions are my own.

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