In my life this week…I lost a day. One evening, when I went to fill in Thursday’s to do list, I discovered it was already Thursday evening! No clue how that happened, or when. Something like this has never happened to me before…perhaps it’s age.
In our homeschool this week… We’re busy at work and progressing well. I’m trying to plan the second trimester and to adjust everyone’s workloads while incorporating a few new topics.
The most beautiful vegetable
Helpful homeschooling tips or advice to share… When you can’t see the forest for the trees, just keep on going, step by step. Just because you temporarily lost the map doesn’t mean that the path you laid out earlier is no good.
Places we’re going and people we’re seeing…The usual: judo, swimming, catechism, library. We almost attended an art gallery tour, but with vehicles at the mechanic’s most of the week we couldn’t get that scheduled.
My favorite things this week were…
- The snow, falling but hardly staying.
- The bright, bright moon in the early mornings when I get up. It set this morning before we could see it eclipsing, which was too bad.
- Walking with the children.
- Watching a 16 year-old offer his drumming to the Lord. I’ll post about that on Monday, Lord willing, so be sure to check back. It’s awesome!
Questions/thoughts I have… It’s hard to decide, at any moment, what we are called to do right at that moment.
Things I’m working on…
- Cooking up our pumpkin crop for the freezer. Four big sugar pumpkins are in the oven now, but we save the little ones to cook in the microwave.
- Freezing leeks.
- Planning our second trimester.
- Fixing a zipper in my husband’s parka. I dreaded that project, because I was sure it was a 3-foot long zipper and would need to be special ordered, and then once it came I’d have to spend at least 24 hours putting it into the many layers of this fancy feather parka. But…it was only a 2-foot zipper, off the rack for under $4, and I got the first half put in within an hour. To top it off, only a few feathers came out.
- Organizing our bedroom and my desk which get only basic tidying during gardening and harvest season. My husband is putting shelves up by my desk, and even the first one has made such a huge difference.
I’m reading…
Matthew. I finished Blue Like Jazz, paged through The Millionaire Mind, and ignored most of the rest of my reading pile: Organized Simplicity, The Reason for God by Keller, Sense and Sensibility by Austin, Entreleadership by Ramsey, and 48 Days to the Work You Love, recommended by Dave Ramsey.
With the kids, I’m reading Proverbs, On the Banks of Plum Creek, The Escape, and Rozemarijntje, a Dutch book. We are taking a break from O Canada by Karla Akins.
I’m grateful for …Life. More than three years ago, my doctor told me I likely had liver cancer and wouldn’t make it more than a few months. It turned out to be celiac disease, and I’m so thankful!
Just one picture…
All ready for judo
This post is linked to The Homeschool Mother’s Journal and to Weekly Wrap Up at Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers.
Your pictures didn’t show up, but it sounds like the rest of the week went good. I have lost days before too, maybe not the same way, but I’ve still lost them. 🙂