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Fit Mommy Friday: Setting Goals

encouraging each other
to care well
for the bodies God has given us

My personal goal is to regain strength after a debilitating illness so that I can live a healthy, active life with my family.

Your goal may be to lose weight, look better, feel better, or run a marathon.  Whatever it is, please feel free to join Fit Mommy any time, no matter what your current level of fitness is.  You can check in using the comments at the bottom of this post.

Well, after listening to a motivational talk about goal-setting, I realized that while my fitness goals would help me maintain my current level of fitness, they were not really designed to increase it.  What’s more, they were not specific enough.  So I made a list of specific milestones to achieve by July with weekly subgoals and wrote them down on a new page, My Fitness Goals.

Of course, after deciding on specific goals I was very motivated…and I overdid it yesterday by walking 9400 steps, and carrying logs, huge bags of dog food, and groceries.  Since my muscles are not yet performing as they should, overdoing it is a serious problem and I will have to take it very easy today.  I’m going to readjust my goals to remind me not to do too much.

Record my fitness accomplishments each day…Yes.

Do 6 repetitions of my eye exercises 5 days a week …I only did them 4 times.  Now that I have a specific plan to increase them, they are much more interesting.

Go for a daily walk and average 6100 steps a day (daily total must be between 5100 and 8100 steps) … Yes, I went for several walks in our woods.  My daily steps (6200, 7800, 5000, 6100, 6200, 9400) average to almost 6800, largely because of yesterday’s foolishness.

Do 6 repetitions of my physio exercises 5 days a week … I did them four times, and yesterday I did a lot of carrying.

Do 5 repetitions of my organ keyboard and pedal exercises, 5 days a week… I did them several times, but not daily.

T-Tapp: Learn 2-3 pages of Fit and Fabulous each week, and practice what I know daily.… I’m learning hoe-downs, after watching the video with Miss 14.  They are difficult, but if I do them slowly, they do not hurt my hips.  I am also up to step 2 in the Primary Back Stretch, but find it a lot of hard work rather than merely a stretch.

Avoid sugar five days a week … First I needed to finish a huge bar of dark, dark chocolate that Miss 11 had given me.   Yum! Now I can focus on avoiding sugar again.

Eat lots of vegetables, including fresh ones, and yoghurt … Yes.  We enjoyed a lot of fruit and vegetables, as well as some yoghurt. Pineapples were on sale this week, and they are so delicious! Next week I plan to sprout one batch of beans and to read about lacto-fermenting foods.

Relax daily…Yes.  We went to bed early and gave ourselves time to rest.

Have fun with the kids, including active fun… We went walking together in the woods. Miss 9 and I trekked through the grocery stores yesterday.  As a treat, we visited one upscale store she had never been in before, and she was enthralled by the toy monkey doing acrobatics above the bananas!  Other than that, we’re back into our reading aloud routine.

How about you? Did you exercise, eat well, and relax happily this week? Let’s encourage each other to care well for the bodies God has given us. Please link up your health and fitness post in the comments below, and don`t forget to link back here from your post. Then enjoy visiting and encouraging other Fit Mommies just like you.

Note:  Fit Mommy Friday is the Health and Fitness Check-In column of The Christian Home Carnival.


  1. Jenn says:

    Yes, do remember to not over load yourself! It is so hard. My knee is swollen this morning after 6 miles of walking this week. I need to ice it afterwards, but I forget! Have a great week to come!

    1. Annie Kate says:

      Oh dear. That injury is lasting a long time. I hope your knee will soon be completely healed.

      If anyone wants to visit Jenn, her Fit Mommy post is here: http://jennswhimsey.blogspot.com/2012/02/fit-mommy-friday-check-in.html

  2. Tessa says:

    Yes! Please remember not to overload yourself. I was the proud owner of a stress fracture last February from doing just that.

    My Fit Mommy is up too!

    Have a good weekend!!

    1. Annie Kate says:

      Wow, I didn’t know you could get a stress fracture from exercise! Not that I exercise vigorously enough for something like that. LOL

  3. JoAnn says:

    Sounds good, just don’t overdo it again. 😉

    I’m wondering about my goals too, if I need to refine them a bit. But not today, I’m just too tired. I did write my post though, http://wgcreates.com/josjourney/fit-mommy-friday-9/ . 🙂

    1. Annie Kate says:

      Maybe resting and sleep are a good goal for you today. Take it easy if you need to!

  4. […] and Fitness Check-in Featured Columnist -Annie Kate presents Fit Mommy Friday: Setting Goals posted at Tea Time with Annie Kate. […]

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