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What to Serve on Father’s Day

There’s something about men and meat.  Not all men, but most men. 

Even the mild-mannered, cultured types (my hubby wanted me to point out that he’s not one of them), who really do believe in the value of vegetables, can wax poetical at the memory of a special party.  “We ate meat.  And meat.  And meat. And meat.  There wasn’t a single vegetable in sight anywhere.”

Yes, there’s something about men and meat, and when Jessica mentioned Father’s Day foods, it occurred to me that the ideal Father’s Day menu for my husband—and for many of the men I know—would center around meat.  Lots of yummy, succulent, spicy meat.

But I forgot about that until, in a fit of kindness, I asked my husband if he wanted me to buy whipping cream for Father’s Day.   (After all, it was on sale.)

“Whipping cream?!?” 

“Yes, would you like that?”   

“No.  What I really want is meat.  Lots and lots of meat.”

Hmm.  Point well taken.

So I bought two packs of bacon for breakfast.  Sunday’s lunch will be salmon asparagus bisque, one of my husband’s favorite soups.  And I bought two racks of pork ribs for a delicious supper.  My husband will supervise the barbequing himself, after carefully rubbing the ribs with huge quantities of curry, sage, garlic powder, salt, and pepper.

What to serve for Father’s Day?  Simple.  Serve your husband’s favorite three meats, one at each meal.

—For more inspiration, visit Ultimate Recipe Swap, No Ordinary Blog HopEncourage One Another Wednesday, Women Living Well Wednesdays, Raising Homemakers, and Simple Lives.


  1. JoAnn says:

    Yes, my husband would agree. We won’t be celebrating on Sunday, his day off isn’t until Wednesday, but we’ll be taking out to his favorite restaurant that day, and I’m sure he will order some sort of beef. 🙂

    And I do have to say, yes, not have a regular schedule with regular family meal times can be hard. I use to think I could never live with a schedule like this either. But I have learned with the Lord as my strength, I can do it. I don’t always like it, and at times I wish it would change, but I know for now it won’t. He will continue to work afternoon shifts, with his weekends always changing. But he has a job he really enjoys, and that means more to me than my schedule (well it means more most of the time 😉 ).

    1. Annie Kate says:

      Enjoy your restaurant meal!

      I’m glad the Lord is giving you what you need to acccept your hubby’s work schedule. Wishing you much patience and strength with that.

  2. This is so cute, and it is right on point!! Remember my post on make you man summer sausage?? Meat is just the thing!
    Annie Kate, you are so sweet to know…did you know that? I have always appreciated what you write and have learned so much. Thank you for being consistently helpful 🙂

  3. Annie Kate says:

    Thank you so much, Jacqueline!

  4. Amy says:

    Oh how this made me laugh! Because my husband feels the same way. So this Father’s Day, I’m serving up lots of meat too. Great idea. Thanks for sharing and for linking up with NOBH. Smiles!

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