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A Tale of Warts and Banana Peels


As I mentioned a while ago, one of our girls had two huge warts on her big toe.  Since they were making her limp, we went to visit the doctor.

Now, there are several ways to get rid of warts.  We had planned to follow our doctor’s conventional medical approach, but then were forced to try something else.

Our doctor offered to cut off the tops of my daughter’s warts but warned us that she’d limp out of the office bleeding.  Then we’d have to soak and file the warts once a day and put a very strong preparation on them.  Every few weeks he would cut some more off, and in a few months the warts would be gone.

Or we could just use the strong preparation at home without his help, but it would take longer.

“Once you begin the treatment,” he cautioned us,” you cannot stop because the warts will spread.  If you start, you must finish.”

Well, we had no option.  She could no longer walk normally.  So we got all we needed for the at-home treatment (emery boards, prescription salicylic acid (70%!!), Vaseline, and band aids) and began.

My daughter cried when I dried her foot after the first 20 minute soaking in preparation for the emery board treatment; she cried because just drying the toe hurt her.  I almost cried, too.  And I thought of rubbing that painful toe with an emery board and of many weeks of nightly tears.  What would that do to her psychologically?  What would that do to our relationship? 

“Listen,” I told her.  “We won’t do anything tonight.  I’ll see if there’s some other solution that won’t hurt so much.”  And then I found Banana Peels Cure Warts.

So we tried it:  We taped squares of banana peels onto her warts with band aids.  For solidarity, I did the same on my plantar warts and on a funny wart I had on my knee.  At the very least, it would postpone our problem, and it might help get her used to touching her warts.

But, guess what?  After the first few days, parts of her warts started turning brown, stringy part by stringy part!  Soon they started wiggling loose, and within three weeks the warts were completely gone!  My daughter did actually scrape them with an emery board on her own to help the process along, but there were no more tears.  Within less than five weeks the skin had healed completely and looked perfect!

My plantar warts also disappeared, but it took a bit longer to be sure because of the surrounding calluses.

However, the wart on my knee is still there. It itched, hurt, and peeled, but never did show any of the stringy parts that turned brown and fell off the other warts.  Obviously, banana peels do not work on every kind of wart.

If you are going to try this banana peel treatment, here are a few tips:

  • We used actual squares of banana peel most of the time, large enough to completely cover the wart, and taped them on with masking tape rather than band aids.
  • Masking tape is much easier on the skin than band aids are.
  • If we were dressing up, however, we wore dark nylons, socks, or tights and band aids with only the insides of the banana peels scraped onto them.
  • We changed the peels once a day, and
  • We rubbed the warts well with a washcloth to remove any dead skin.  I used a pumice stone on the plantar warts.
  • We used both green and ripe bananas and it seemed to make no difference.
  • For us the banana peel treatment worked for warts with stringy parts that turned brown within days of beginning the banana treatment, and for plantar warts.  Some warts did not respond to the treatment; in these no brown stringy parts appeared after a few days of being covered with banana peels and rubbing off dead skin.
  • The side effects were minimal:  sore skin if we used band aids instead of masking tape, and a growing dislike of bananas.

Rather than weeks of tears and pain and stress accompanying the conventional medical treatment, with all the psychological ramifications of that, all my daughter is left with is an aversion to bananas! And after 14 years I no longer have plantar warts.

Banana peels on warts worked for us!

This post is shared with Better Mom Monday, Teach Me TuesdaysEncourage One Another Wednesday, Works For Me Wednesday , Wisdom Wednesdays, and Small Footprint Fridays.


  1. JoAnn says:

    That is great, I will definitely remember this one. We used oranges soaked in vinegar (I think), and held it on with tape.

  2. JoannaTopazT says:

    I saw where you mentioned this in an earlier post. After doing a search for it, I also found a suggestion of the apple cider vinegar method. I’ve been trying this on my plantar warts (in part because, yes, we have no bananas). So far, it’s working better than the OTC stuff combined with a dr. who took my time and money for three treatments and then basically told me I’d just have to live with them for years. The apple cider vinegar does have some pain, at least more than you describe with the banana peels, but it might be another option for you.

  3. Briana says:

    So cool! I need to try this.

  4. Annie Kate says:

    Oranges soaked in vinegar are an unusual idea too. Thanks for sharing, JoAnn! I’d heard of the vinegar method, and tried it a few years ago. Since I have issues with vinegar, it made me sick to put vinegar onto an open wound day after day.

    Thanks, Joanna. Due to the banana peels, my plantar warts are gone after 14 years! And the other one, well, that’s what I tried the vinegar on a few years ago, and it only made me ill. I also tried the standard OTC method, and it didn’t work either. Perhaps it’s not a wart at all, no matter what the doctor says.

  5. Meghan says:

    Such a great post! Thanks for linking up with us at Ultimate List of Mom Resources. I hope you join us again next week!


  6. Michelle says:

    Have you heard of the duct tape method? Just curious if you had tried that or not?

  7. I’ve been looking through blogs for a home remedy for plantar warts. I have a small one that I need to get rid of before it becomes a problem. I’ve read about ACV and Duct tape but I am going to pick up some bananas tomorrow and start taping the peelings. Thanks for you post I’ll let you know how it goes.

  8. Annie Kate says:

    Yes, Michelle, I’ve heard of the duct tape method, but have never tried it. It sounds painful!

    I hope that the banana peels will work for you like they did for us!

  9. Joan Price says:

    Thanks for the share! I can’t believe this actually worked! I have only had success with using products that had glutaraldehyde in it but I would love to try a more natural approach. Thanks!

  10. jenny says:

    Umm… I am doing the Method right now, but I just want to know if it will like clear up my skin around it and turn back to my normal skin color. I have my wart on my arm, Near my shoulders.

    1. Annie Kate says:

      Jenny, none of our family’s warts had skin color changes, so I’m not sure how to answer your question. I suggest you have your wart evaluated by doctor to be sure it is a wart and not something else like a mole or something. I don’t know if you should be using banana peels or anything else on moles.

  11. Ashley says:

    Thank you for this. My 10 year old daughter is a field hockey goalie and she cannot afford to have the conventional method done to her…plus it hurts too much. I am going to start today the banana method. I am hoping it works. My only issue is what to do regarding camping for for six weeks along with swimming and boating and all outdoor activities. Any suggestions would be great. Thank you.

    1. Annie Kate says:

      Duct tape also seems to work; my daughter used that when camping, because it is so much easier even though it is fairly obvious.

      I hope this response will not be too late for your daughter and that she will be able to enjoy her time away.

  12. Ashley says:

    Thank you. We actually have switched to the duct tape as it seems to be working better. And yes it is much easier. She can easily change it quickly when needed. Will update the success. Majorly trying to avoid doctor interference as it will side line her for the field hockey season.

  13. Diane says:

    Micropore tape is great on fingers and toes as it does not hurt your skin , but holds the banana quite well. Just don’t put it on too tightly. Your finger tip should remain the same colour as the other fingers. I have a large wart growing in my finger and it has half lifted off in just 48 hours. No pain so far. The skin around the wart is white as it has lifted away and the wart is clearly visible and lifting also.

  14. Stephie P. says:

    Wow! This is good to know. I have been doing the ACV for two plantar warts on my foot for almost 2 weeks. Since I have already started the ACV, do you think I could switch over to the banana peel or should I stick with the method I started with? Sometimes the stinging of the ACV wakes me up in the middle of the night and the skin around the warts are very tender.

    1. Annie Kate says:

      I am not certain, Stephie, but I would perhaps stop the ACV if it is not working and give the skin around the warts a bit of time to heal before starting the banana treatment.

  15. Vicki says:

    After dealing with painful plantar warts for 3 years and having them cut out several times, only to return, I started the banana peel today. I hope and pray it works.

  16. Charlie says:

    I’ve had a plantars wart for four months now. It is excruciating. I’ve had it frozen by a doctor twice, and I started using ACV on it two weeks ago but it’s not seeming to be dying. I taped a banana peel to it tonight and have woken up to the wart throbbing and almost searing with pain. Did you two ever experience that during the process? I looked at the wart and it doesn’t seem to look awful. I’m not sure. It really hurts, but I’m wondering if it’s just reacting & dying? I know you’re not a professional, just wondering about your experience.

    1. Annie Kate says:

      Hi Charlie,
      We did not experience pain while using the banana peels. Like Stephie above, I tried ACV and it was a mess; I cannot recall that it hurt, but Stephie wrote that she has woken up with pain from the ACV treatment.
      So, perhaps it would be an idea to stop the ACV, let the skin heal from that, and then try the banana peel treatment.
      Please let us know how it works out for you so someone else can benefit from your experience. All the best!

    2. Jessic says:

      I always experience pulsating when I am using the banana peel. I wouldn’t call it painful, but it feels weird

      1. Annie Kate says:

        Hi Jessic,
        Does the banana peel work for you even though you experience a pulsating sensation? It’s strange how differently we all react, but if the banana peel helps you anyhow that’s worth letting people know so that they will know whether to continue or not.
        Thanks for contributing to this discussion!

  17. Mandy says:

    Great post ! And I would totally agree as I had the same outcome when I used banana peel on my daughters wart on her foot after our dermatologist recommended that method. However, I have been trying that method with my son’s wart which is on his foot and it appears to be causing more warts to pop up in the near area. Does anybody know why this might happen? So weird!

    1. Annie Kate says:

      No idea, but we saw that too, with a different daughter. At one point her hand had dozens, maybe hundreds, of warts, so she started covering them with duct tape at night and whenever possible during the day. Our doctor had no other solution. Then we went on holidays and they disappeared.

      I have heard that warts thrive with a weakened immune system, so perhaps it was the relaxation of holidays that helped her.

      In any case, I would put banana peels over all the warts if I were you, make sure he eats nourishing foods, reduce his stress levels as much as possible, make sure he sleeps enough. And I’d take him to the doctor to see what he/she says.

      Whatever you do, don’t stop the treatment. As our doctor said (top of the article) once you start treatment you must continue or they can spread, as they are doing for your son.

  18. Jurgita says:

    Try lysterine. Or you can add teatree oil to banna peel. Anything that has acids works with warts. They say unrefined coconut oil has specific acid that’s molecules are super tyny and because of that it is able to penetrate the dead skin of the wart. I also have read that one mom healed the wart with urine. That thing heals everything.

    1. Annie Kate says:

      Wow, Jurgita, those are a lot of other interesting options.

      I wonder if it would be important to try the treatments separately or whether it is alright to combine them. Do you have any idea?

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