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Review: The Story of Canada by Janet Lunn and Christopher Moore

the story of canada

Although relatively short and peaceful, Canada’s history is both fascinating and significant.  Our family owns all kinds of Canadian history books, but for a readable overview that appeals to all ages we prefer The Story of Canada by Janet Lunn and Christopher Moore.

This large, colorful book is full of detailed illustrations and interesting stories as well as basic Canadian history.  In ten chapters it goes from the earliest times to the year 2000, telling Canada’s story in words, photographs, many fascinating inserts, and cheerful illustrations that sometimes cover two full pages.

——Read my complete review at the Curriculum Choice.—–

Our family recommends The Story of Canada to anyone looking for a lively introduction to Canada’s history.  We’re not the only ones who like it; according to Amazon.ca it is the most successful children’s book ever published in Canada.

The Story of Canada is one of the overviews we use in our multi-year, literature-based Canadian History course

Disclosure:  We have owned this book for many years and, as usual, are not compensated for this review.

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