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Fit Mommy Friday

Well, this week made up for last week.  I felt great most of the time, and when I was shopping yesterday with Miss 10, she kept falling behind because I was walking too quickly!

Food:  Lots of veggies.  No corn meal because we suspect ours may be contaminated with gluten.  Lots of canned fish, like herring, tuna, salmon, and sardines.  Lots of chickpeas, yummy black bean dip, meatballs, and more.  Lots of raspberries, straight from the bush. 

Exercise:  Nothing formal, but lots of mild gardening, walking back and forth to the gardens, and cooling down in the pool.  Actually, we’re in the middle of a humid heat wave.  I reluctantly agreed with my husband that we need to turn the air conditioning on to be able sleep at night in our upstairs bedrooms.  Now the main floor of the house is so cool, and the pool so warm, that I jump in to warm up

Relaxation:  A daily nap, much needed and appreciated.  Good sleep at night, thanks to the air conditioning.  Lots of wonderful gardening.

My Doctor’s Opinion:  He was thrilled at how well I was doing and thinks getting a physiotherapist is a good idea…as long as I can find one who will not encourage me to do anything aerobic or to push myself.  Strength training is much safer than aerobics at this stage, he says.   While I’m looking for a physiotherapist, I’ll also be researching rehabilitation and senior citizen exercise programs, websites, and videos.   Those sound like the safest places to start…and if you have any suggestions, please let me know.  

But for today, the girls and I plan to don our crocks and go walking in the river.

To read the adventures of other Fit Mommies, please visit Got Chai?


  1. Mrs. White says:

    So glad to hear you are doing well!!


    Mrs. White

  2. Sounds like you had a good week. I like the idea of daily naps. I think that would definitely work for me. **grin** We have the same issue with our air conditioning – to keep it comfortable upstairs, it’s too cool downstairs. It’s worth it to get a good nights rest.

    Have a wonderful weekend!

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