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Rideau Trail

Projects, Books, Everyday Life, and Wonderful Encouragement

Right now, Mr. 20 is taking his three younger sisters out for Chinese food. The girls, especially Miss 15, are thrilled, and so am I. It is such a joy when siblings love and enjoy each other! Earlier in the week some of us were suffering from headaches, sore throats, and dizziness, but with good […]

Gardening, Shakespeare, Books, and Summer Goal

Well, we’re gardening after all.  At first it seemed we had neither the time nor the energy, but when I was reminded of the enormous value of gardening (health, exercise, mood, food, outside time, together time), we literally dug in.  Isn’t that the way things always go?  Until we see great value in an activity, […]

A Ducky Walk, Almost to the End of the Rideau Trail

This was it,  the big walk in which we would reach the Ottawa end of the Rideau Trail.  Miss 8 had chosen sparkling peach-grape juice and we had little plastic wine glasses for a big celebration when we reached the marker at the end.  First, though, we watched the ducks.    Mr. Mallard was not […]

Rideau Trail Walk #14

We walked the Rideau Trail along a treacherous stretch of the Ottawa River where the water is too turbulent to freeze. Although it was unseasonably warm, the wind coming off the river was cold and chilly. I wore a wool hat and earmuffs, although some of my children kept insisting it was warm…and Mr. 15 […]

Rideau Trail Walks #12 and 13

When we left the house for walk 12 we were in such a rush that we all forgot our cameras.  It was a pretty walk, between the Ottawa River a residential area.  Part of the trail was along a fitness path, with interesting exercise stations along the way.  We also walked on a high path with […]