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Simple Joys

Banana Peach ‘Mushrooms’

For a celebration this month, one of my children requested a special treat from the past, these simple Banana Peach ‘Mushrooms’.  I used to make them occasionally when the children were small, so long ago that Miss 15 cannot even recall them, and they always brought joy then.  They did the same now. I hope […]

Spring in January

  It has been a very cold winter so far but last week, for a blissful day and half, the snow disappeared, the river ice creaked and thumped as it broke up, and the ditches flowed as though it were spring. We took a day off school to celebrate. It was an amazing day and, […]

Watching the Sun Come Up

We are all busy with all sorts of important and meaningful activities.  I have been ill, unable to be busy in the usual ways, so one morning I watched the sun come up. It was amazing, much more amazing than the photos show. Colors glowing, slowly fading, and then shifting to echoes of themselves on […]

September and October at our House

Our lives are filled with miracles, the ones that recur every day and seem almost normal, like sunrise, electricity, digestion, relationships, and forgiveness, and the ones we pray and give special thanks for like impossible cures, unexpected successes, and mind-blowing coincidences.  When these happen, we need to be grateful, not proud; we need to see […]

Noticing God’s World Around Us

So often we rush about our busy lives, not seeing the wonders God has created to help us know and praise him.  So often we are too busy, busy, busy to pay attention to God in either his Word or his world. A teacher friend of mine asked her students to take a fall photo […]