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God’s Wonderful World

Is Modern Science Making Atheism Improbable?

It used to be that atheists would point to science and say that they couldn’t believe in God because of science. Now, however, it is becoming less and less possible for any well-informed person to honestly embrace atheism. The universe is just too complex and too perfectly designed for such an idea. What’s more, every […]

Our Summer So Far

The first month of summer has drifted by like a river, unstoppable. Most days I was out in the garden first thing in the morning, the time I used to use for writing, and on the days I didn’t garden, I went for a walk. So instead of writing, I breathed in fresh air, wrestled […]

A Surprising Lesson from Stinging Nettles

Recently my husband came in asking, “Do you want some nettles?” After all, we do eat them once in a while, especially in chicken soup, because they are so healthy. So he showed me the enormous patch he was about to pull up, I showed him the difference between wild raspberry and nettles, and a […]

Books: Clouds and Nature Photo Essays

Sometimes when I go out into nature I don’t know what to look for or even what I’m looking at. I need someone with knowledge to be my guide, but such guides are hard to find. Books can help, though. Two books that I have read recently help me to understand, give me vocabulary, and […]

The Light that does not Change

One morning the whole world shone silver—the snow, the sky, the ice on the trees, and even the light itself. It was dramatic and I rushed outside to take pictures before the unique light faded. A bit later, I turned around and saw this tree, sunshine glinting off the icy trunks. Light seems to change […]