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Review: Man of the First Hour by George Van Popta

In Man of the First Hour, George van Popta discusses the life of his father Jules from his youth in the Netherlands, through the war years, and to the end of his life in Canada.  In doing so he also portrays the roots of the Canadian Reformed churches and gives us a glimpse into the […]

Review: Stay by Anjuli Paschall

When I decided on Stay as my reflective book for the summer, I had no idea what I was getting into.  Instead of being gentle and peaceful (like The Next Right Thing I read last year), Stay is intense and raw.  Like The Next Right Thing, though, it keeps on leading the reader to God, so […]

Review: The Sweet Taste of Providence by Christine Farenhorst

I have been reading The Sweet Taste of Providence for well over a year. Last winter it was beside my fireside chair. A few times a week I would pick it up, read a story, and then ponder it, knitting thoughtfully. During the busy gardening season it sat on my bookshelf, and recently I took […]

Review: The Invention of Clouds by Richard Hamblyn

Naming things is a powerful activity—it was man’s first task in Genesis—and this power is explored in Richard Hamblyn’s brilliant book The Invention of Clouds: How an Amateur Meteorologist Forged the Language of the Skies. I do not think I have ever read such a satisfying, lyrical, information-packed science history book before, although I have […]

Review: Made for the Journey by Elisabeth Elliot

As a young woman, Elisabeth Elliot worked hard to prepare for her first missionary experience, learning and reducing to writing the Colorado’s language in the jungles of Ecuador.  Because she was doing what God called her to do, she fully expected God’s blessing on her work.  After all, that’s the way the world works, right? […]