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church history

Review: Dearer Than Life by Emma Leslie

When Sir Hugh Middleton returns from attending Parliament one warm summer day in 1366, we are welcomed with him into the bosom of his family.  Impetuous Maud immediately tells the news:  the local monastery has claimed one of the family’s fields.  Furious at the monks’ grasping ways, Sir Hugh takes his field back, to their […]

Review: Bonhoeffer by Eric Metaxas

This is one of those books that stays in your mind and begs to be reread.  It’s wise, informative, inspiring, and totally captivating.  In fact, Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy is the best book I’ve read this year. Why?  Well, first of all it is about Bonhoeffer, a great figure in 20th century Christianity.  His […]

Review: Uncle Sam’s Plantation by Star Parker

Star Parker’s book Uncle Sam’s Plantation:  How Big Government Enslaves America’s Poor and What We Can Do About It, has been revised and updated.  My main response after reading it is, “Wow!”  This powerful book explains so many things I’ve thought about:  the different kinds of poverty; the effects of welfare on poor people; how […]

Bible and Religious Studies: Grades 9 and 10

We require 4 years of Bible and Religious Studies in our home high school.  This is separate from our Christian lifestyle—family Bible reading and prayer, personal Bible reading and prayer, Bible study and memorization, sermon discussions, character building, and involvement in church life such as catechism studies, Bible studies, volunteering,  outreach and so forth.   We […]