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high school

Review: The Last Ride by Susan Marlow

I have never heard Miss 13, my reluctant reader, laugh and squeal her way through a book until she read The Last Ride by Susan Marlow. Then she said, “Give it a good review, Mom!  It’s awesome!” And a few days later she went back and read the best parts again, because it is so […]

Review: The Mouse on Wall Street by Leonard Wibberley

Do you want an enjoyable way to introduce your teens to economics? We started with The Mouse on Wall Street by Leonard Wibberley, and it has been very successful. For centuries the people of Grand Fenwick had produced their renowned wine, Pinot Grand Fenwick, and their wool.  Since defeating the United States in war, a […]

Review: Susanna Don’t You Cry by Zachary McIntire

Ever since the horrible day his father, Ross, walked out, Chuck Kincaid’s mother, Susanna, has been a wreck.  And despite Chuck’s best attempts at parenting Kelly, his little sister has been drifting into the wrong crowd.  Chuck knows who is to blame for all this—his father— and he hates him. But life continues.  Mother and […]

Review: Gifted Mind, Inventor of the MRI

More than simply a straighforward account of Dr. Damadian and the MRI, Gifted Mind is the memoir of a delightful, talented gentleman who is determined to share the hard-won lessons of his life while telling you of his dream to fight cancer. When Damadian was a young boy, his dear grandmother died a horribly painful death […]

Review: Smart but Scattered Teens by Guare, Dawson, and Guare

Perhaps you have one of them, a teen who is bright but just can’t seem to get things together.  Sometimes I suspect most of us, parents and teens, are scattered in one way or another.  But some struggle in a deeper way with executive skills, ‘the functions of our brains and thought processes that help […]